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    vocalize 成为有声;
    pick up 拿起,学习
    stand for 代表; 为…而奋斗
    count on 依赖
    dazed 晕眩的; 茫然的; 神魂颠倒的,失魂落魄的;
    At the end of the interview I was dazed and exhausted. 面试进行到最后,我感到头昏脑胀,筋疲力尽。
    dynamic 精力充沛的; 活跃的; 动力的; 动态的;
    quixotic 堂吉诃德式的,愚侠的,不切实际的;
    querulous 抱怨的,爱发牢骚的; 易怒的; 爱抱怨;
    quaint 古色古香的; 少见的,古怪的; 离奇有趣的; 做得精巧的;
    cursory 粗略的,仓促的
    buoyant 轻快的; 活泼的, 繁荣的
    repentant 后悔的,悔改的;
    discordant 不和的; 不一致的; 不调和的
    exuberant 生气勃勃的; (活力)充沛的; 茂盛的
    impracticable 不能实行的,难对付的; 不切实际
    truism 明之理,老生常谈;
    Whilst this might sound like a truism, it is nevertheless a crucial problem to address. 尽管这可能听起来像是老生常谈,但却是待解决的至关重要的问题。
    intentional 故意的
    have narrow escape 幸免于难
    The recession brought an abrupt halt to this happiness. 经济衰退使这种幸福戛然而止。
    pragmatic 实际的; 实用主义的; 好管闲事的; 国事的;
    Do you think those young people are idealistic or pragmatic? 你认为那些年轻人是理想主义者还是实用主义者?
    pertinent 切题的,相关的
    still less 更少;
    He knows little of mathematics and still less of chemistry.
    no less 仍然,依旧,还是
    accidentally 意外地
    incidentally 顺便说一句
    occasionally 偶尔地
    subsequently 随后地
    This trail was roughly parallel to the border. 这条小路与边境线大致平行。
    intently 专心地,一心一意地
    1楼2023-01-13 16:17:25
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