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    Luckin Coffee who has said “Beating Starbucks down “since it has just been found has upgraded the battle yesterday, it bulletined a letter to Starbucks to condemn Starbucks “unfairly competition”
    “Starbucks constrained their supplies standing in line”、” Starbucks signed the paper of exclusive rules with the commercial real estate”、 “Luckin Coffee recruited one of seven employees of Starbucks”、”Luckin will beat Starbucks by high cost-effective”……
    Someone comment that Luckin were reported with Starbucks together in half year since Luckin was found is a “Pengci Marketing”. Then how can we think about this open letter which was written just before the meeting of globe investment of Starbucks, “Pengci”or real?
    Regarding this, Starbuck responded to 《Kamen》: No willing to join the marketing hype with other brands.
    Bulletin: n. 公告,公报;新闻快报; 小报;期刊 / vt. 公布,公告;用公报发表
    Constrain: vt. 约束;限制;强迫;强使
    Exclusive: adj. 专用的; 高级的; 排外的;单独的 / n.独家新闻;专有物;独家经营的产品(或项目、设计等);排外者
    Marketing hype: 市场炒作
    1楼2018-05-16 16:21:19
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