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  • #英语很简单#

    People try the Total Leadership program for a variety of reasons. Some feel unfulfilled because they’re not doing what they love. 

    Some don’t feel genuine because they’re not acting according to their values. Others feel disconnected, isolated from people who

     matter to them. They crave stronger relationships, built on trust, and yearn for enriched social networks. They want to tap into 

    their creative energy but don’t know how (and sometimes lack the courage) to do so. They feel out of control and unable to fit 

    in all that’s important to them.


    其他的人觉得与那些对他们来说很重要的人脱节,隔离。他们渴望建立信任,加强人际关系, 同时也渴望丰富的社交网络。他们想要开发他们的创造力


    My hunch is that there are more four-way wins available to you than you’d think. They are there for the taking. You have to know how 

    to look for them and then find the support and zeal to pursue them. By providing a blueprint for how you can be real, be whole, and be 

    innovative as a leader in all parts of your life, this program helps you perform better according to the standards of the most important 

    people in your life; feel better in all the domains of your life; and foster greater harmony among the domains by increasing the resources available to you to fit all the parts of your life together. No matter what your career stage or current position, you can be a better leader

    and have a richer life—if you are ready and willing to rise to the challenge.

    我的预感是,你可以获得比你想象的更多的胜利.他们在那里等待接受。你必须知道怎么寻找他们,找到支持和热情去追求他们。通过提供如何成为真实,完整和创新的蓝图,作为您生活中各个方面的领导者,这个计划可帮助您根据生活中最重要人物的标准变得更好; 在生活的各个领域感觉更好; 通过增加可用资源,使您的生活中的所有部分融合在一起,促进领域之间更大的和谐。 无论您的职业生涯阶段或当前职位如何,如果您已做好准备并愿意接受挑战,您可以成为更好的领导者并拥有更丰富的生活。

    crave v 渴望,热望

    yearn v 渴望,渴求

    tap n 水龙头,轻拍 v 开发,轻拍

    foster v 培养,鼓励,促进

    1楼2018-08-02 22:59:57
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