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  • #英语很简单#我爱记单词

    First, the areas that have been hardest hit by the opioid epidemic are different than areas that have seen less dramatic rises in opioid abuse for many reasons other than employment opportunities. Any of these factors, or a combination of them, could really be to blame for both high substance abuse and poor labor market conditions. Since areas are different, we examine how employment within an area changes as prescription rates fluctuate.

    Second, while this kind of analysis controls for any time-invariant differences across locations, another complication remains.This public transportation system allows those who were previously isolated to connect with employment opportunities, thereby increasing employment. It also reduces traffic accidents since fewer people opt to drive, thereby reducing opioids prescribed for post-accident pain.

    Many observers have noted that areas that experienced the largest increases in opioid use over the past decade, like Appalachia, have had persistently low employment. However, it is important to keep in mind that these areas had low employment for decades prior to the opioid epidemic.

    In short, while the opioid epidemic has caused wide-reaching devastation, aggregate employment appears not to be one of its victims. Furthermore, evidence suggests that poor economic conditions cannot be blamed for the crisis itself. What this means is that we must look at the opioid epidemic for what it is: a self-inflicted perfect storm that arose from a combination of newly available opioids, new attitudes about the importance of pain management, loose prescribing practices, and a lack of professional accountability. The solution to the problem must lie in addressing some of these root causes.

    opioid 鸦片类药物

    other than 与...不同,除了

    fluctuate 浮动,变动

    time-invariant 飞时的, 时间恒定的

    persistently  固执地

    devastation 灾难,巨大的破坏

    victim 受害者

    Furthermore 而且,此外

    self-inflicted 自残的,自作自受的

    Any of these factors, or a combination of them, could really be to blame for both high substance abuse and poor labor market conditions.


    This public transportation system allows those who were previously isolated to connect with employment opportunities, thereby increasing employment.


    1楼2018-08-21 23:10:34
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